These are the first few manuals for our collection of manuals and guidelines. We will aim for materials from many countries in many languages and biomes (terrestrial, marine, freshwater), and types of public participation (externally driven with local data collectors; collaborative monitoring).
Manuals and guidelines
Community-based Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Know-how: Sharing knowledge from practice
Community-based monitoring is a component of REDD+ by which communities establish systems to track their resources – including forest cover and carbon content, but also other resources, often including water quality, biodiversity, fish and wildlife stocks, timber and non-timber forest products, and community well-being.n August 2014, participants from more than a dozen countries came together for a workshop in Guyana to share and test tools, approaches, and lessons learned on this work.
The workshop can be downloaded for free.
Manual de sistema de monitoreo de la biodiversidad en áreas protegidas
¡Bienvenido al Manual de Monitoreo de la Biodiversidad!. Los métodos del Sistema de Monitoreo de Biodiversidad (SMB) han sido diseñados para ayudarle a contribuir al mejoramiento de la conservación y el uso sustentable de los bosques y humedales. Hemos querido desarrollar un set de métodos estándar útiles y fáciles de trabajar. Esperamos que este manual no solo le ayude a conocer y monitorear las Áreas Silvestres Protegidas (ASP) usando los métodos descritos más adelante, sino también a estimular su interés en contribuir a la conservación de la biodiversidad.
Preliminary Manual for Community Based Monitoring of Natural Resource Use and Forest Quality
This manual explain how villages can safeguard their forest and its biodiversity, and how they can ensure that natural resource extraction does not exceed sustainable levels.
The forests are managed through Joint Forest Management Agreements that give rights and possibilities to the villages situated around the natural forests. The forests are now managed jointly between the villages and district authorities. In the village, it is the Village Council, through the elected Village Natural Resource Committee that manages the forest on behalf of the villagers.
El sistema de monitoreo participativo - SMP en fúquene
La Fundación Humedales quiere divulgar una propuesta de monitoreo surgida de la necesidad de contribuir a aumentar el grado de apropiación por parte de la comunidad vinculada con la laguna de Fúquene, con las acciones de manejo de los recursos biológicos e igualmente, de incrementar su conocimiento en el contexto del sistema ecológico y social.