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Some of the planned pages are still not public, including the Spanish language pages.

Partnership for Participatory Monitoring and Management


The Partnership for Participatory Monitoring and Management  (PMMP) is an international collaborative initiative for local leaders and communities working with participatory monitoring and management of natural resources. Through improving the quality and extent of bottom-up approaches to resource management, the Partnership will transform the way the world monitors and manages natural resources. To accomplish this objective, PMMP will establish participatory monitoring and management in more areas and facilitate training, education, learning from practice and applied research.  

Local Biodiversity Outlooks is live

9 Dec 2018

 Local Biodiversity Outlooks online highlights how indigenous peoples and local communities are rising to the challenge to counter the effects of some of the most pressing threats to our planet. The outlooks, provided by indigenous peoples and local communities, outline issues they face including deforestation, and pressures on cultures and languages. They also describe solutions including indigenous-led conservation, and community-based monitoring.

PMMP-programme receive Nordic Council Environmental Award, 2018

30 October 2018

Representatives of the Natural Resources Council in Attu have just received the Nordic Council Environmental Award, 2018. The award is given in conjunction with the 70th Session of the Nordic Council in Oslo, where parliamentarians, Prime Ministers, some other Ministers and leaders of the opposition from all over the Nordic countries meet. Natural Resource Council in Attu consists of, hunters and fishermen. They are given the Nordic Council’s environmental award for their efforts to document observations of nature and contribution with extensive local knowledge and proposals for management measures. The Natural Resources Council in Attu has established a social community that promotes dialogue and cooperation between citizens, researchers and administrations, for the benefit of the marine environment. 

Community Based Monitoring Library

Here you can find information about Arctic community based monitoring programs, including the manuals they use and an overview over the most important lessons learned. 


The materials have been prepared by the organizers of each community based monitoring program

Biodiversity Needs Community Members

November 3, 2016

Citizen scientists and community members are already providing large amounts of data for monitoring biodiversity, but they could do much more, according to a new study published in the journal Biological Conservation. 


”Citizen scientists and community members are already contributing enormously to environmental science.” says Linda See from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. ”For example, a huge amount of species occurrence data is provided by members of the interested public. The question we addressed was, where are citizens contributing and where are they not, and how can we draw on this phenomenon to help fill the gaps in science?”.


The new article looks at international conventions on biodiversity, and the indicators that are needed to track biodiversity on a global scale, known as Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs). It examines the areas where citizen scientists and community members already contribute, those where they do not, and what areas could benefit from expansion of citizen science and community monitoring efforts.


The Manaus Letter

17 August 2015

At the end of July the Manaus letter was sent to CBD Executive Secretary Mr. Braulio Dias, by Mr. Claudio Maretti, the president of ICMBio. This document with recommendations on community involvement in the management and monitoring of biodiversity and natural resources is the guidelines suggested in the working groups and the main issues raised in the roundtables during the international seminar in Manaus in 2014.

Community-based Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Know-how: Sharing knowledge from practice

18 February 2015

Community-based monitoring is a component of REDD+ by which communities establish systems to track their resources – including forest cover and carbon content, but also other resources, often including water quality, biodiversity, fish and wildlife stocks, timber and non-timber forest products, and community well-being.n August 2014, participants from more than a dozen countries came together for a workshop in Guyana to share and test tools, approaches, and lessons learned on this work.

The workshop report is out now and can be downloaded for free.

Stanford scientists team with indigenous people to produce detailed carbon calculations of Amazon rainforest

22 January 2015

By teaching basic ecology field work techniques to indigenous groups in the Amazon, Stanford researchers have found that satellite measurements of rainforests in the area underestimate the region's carbon storage potential.


11 December 2015

I-Tracker, short for Indigenous Tracker, is a program that helps Indigenous Land and Sea Managers work together to collect and manage information across north Australia. All the tools for I-Tracker are available free from NAILSMA so check out their website if you are interested.

Congratulations to Hery

26 Noverber 2014

The Tusk Award for emerging leaders in conservation – an award sponsored by Land Rover – was presented to Herizo Andrianandrasana, from Madagascar.

More PMMP-relevant activities at WPC

10 November 2014

Monitoring and mapping techniques peer-to-peer: Workshop by and for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. Capacity Development Room. Monday, November 17th, 8:30 am - 10:00 am.
Sharing international experiences in monitoring natural and cultural resources by Indigenous Peoples. Session at Hall 2 Nth Pod. Monday, November 17th, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.
Assessing and certifying Indigenous knowledge of tracking in African conservation and protected areas.
Hall 2 Nth Pod. Monday, November 17th, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm.

Hery is a nominee for a conservation award

9 November 2014

Those of you who participated in the International Seminar on Participatory Monotoring for the Management of Biodiversity and Natural Resources  in Manaus, Brazil, will remember Herizo Andrianandrasana who presented his work with participarory monitoring in Madagascar. Because of this work has Hery now become a nominee for this years Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa .

Environmental monitoring, mapping and other basic tools for grassroots conservation

14 November 2014

A PMMP relevant side event at the IUCN World Parks Congress in Sidney. This hands-on session will let you explore a number of community-based mapping and monitoring tools that have proven to be useful in the governance and management of ICCAs, community conserved areas and protected areas. While aimed at serving communities' purposes and priorities, community-based monitoring and mapping information are powerful tools to inform policy and decision making at larger scales. In this capacity-building session, you will get the opportunity to meet and share with representatives from experienced communities practicing different monitoring tools in e.g. Philippines, Thailand, Ethiopia, Kenya, South America and Canada..

Biodiversity Monitoring Network - Brazil

4 November 2014

The Biodiversity Monitoring Network is one of product of the first workshop on Participatory Monitoring of biodiversity held in Manaus in April 2011. The focus is on Brazil but the information provided may be of importance far beyond Brazil. The site empowers communities and Protected Areas managers with information and share data, articles, videos, etc..

International PMM seminar

1 October 2014

An International Seminar on Participatory Monitoring for the Management of Biodiversity and Natural Resources was held on 22-26 September 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.

The Seminar consisted of two parts. The first two days were for the first meeting of the Participatory Monitoring and Management Partnership - PMMP. The next three days, internationally recognized academics, practitioners, community members and government officials involved in monitoring initiatives debated emerging themes on local involvement and seek technical and political alignment to promote participatory monitoring. From the work of International Seminar on Participatory Monitoring for the Management of Biodiversity and Natural Resources participants, a document with recommendations and guidelines for community involvement in monitoring of biodiversity and natural resources is going to be produced.

PMMPartnership website is under development

September 17, 2014

The Participatory Monitoring and management Partnership web site is now under development. 


Shifting cultivation communities in Kalimantan can measure trees

June 13, 2014

Marginalized shifting cultivation community members can measure trees in dynamic mosaic landscapes with results very similar to the professionals. 

13,000,000 bird records by volunteers

March 22, 2014

Birdwatchers in Denmark have now entered more than 13,000,000 records into the web-based database 'DOF-basen'.

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